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What is the Bellesoma™?
Bellesoma™ is a surgical procedure based on engineering and mathematical principles to lift or reduce the breast. It is unlike traditional methods that primarily use skin tightening to create lift. Bellesoma uses proprietary 3D imaging software than scans the breast & torso. The data from these scans are then run through our algorithm to develop a customized surgical plan for your surgeon to evaluate. If your surgeon deems you a candidate, this surgical approach creates new breast structures from existing tissue. The new breast structures are re-positioned higher on the chest wall and anchored to the chest muscle that sits underneath the breast. This results in a youthful and full appearance without many of the disadvantages, including no vertical scars, found with the traditional techniques.
What are the differences and benefits of the Bellesoma Method breast lift/reduction compared to the traditional techniques?
While there is no scarless breast lift or scarless breast reduction, The Bellesoma Method does not produce visible vertical scars which many women find unacceptable. The Bellesoma Method uses a woman’s own breast tissue to reshape and re-position the breast creating fullness in the upper portion without the need for implants. An exciting benefit of the Bellesoma Method is that it transfers the weight of the breast from the skin to the chest muscle. Thus, if your breasts are causing neck, back, or shoulder pain women may see their pain subside after surgery. Additionally, the chest muscle acts as the support for the breast, providing stability for the lift or reduction.
My plastic surgeon says that the Bellesoma Method is a "marketing gimmick" - is this true?
We understand that innovation and change within plastic surgery can be met with skepticism. While we are sure your plastic surgeon means well, if you hear this, you may ask if they have actually read our published peer reviewed journal paper or seen a demonstration of our technology. Unfortunately, some surgeons have looked at our site and jumped to conclusions about Bellesoma (and even questioned the results) without really learning about it. Candidly, the information in our site is designed for consumers, not doctors. If your surgeon says this, you may encourage him/her to click on our “For Surgeons” page.
How long has this procedure been in practice and how many women has it been performed on?
Bellesoma was developed in 2010 and started training surgeons in our technology in 2016. Like any other new technology, there of course have been improvements to this procedure over time. Today, we are able to accommodate women of many breast sizes and provide what we believe is the best method for breast lifts and breast reductions in practice today. We are proud to say that over 500 women from all over the world have benefited from this technology.
How do women decide on a breast augmentation or a lift?
Augmentation is a question of size. If you already like how your breasts look in a bra, but not the appearance out of one, then a lift is in order – not augmentation. If you desire to have more size when in a bra, then an augmentation (potentially with a lift) is recommended. We have found that some women sought out implants to improve the appearance of their breasts simply because they did not want to have the vertical scars associated with a lift. Unfortunately, the additional weight of the implants will actually exacerbate the ptotis (sagging) over time. Fortunately, with the Bellesoma Method, women do not have to make such a tradeoff anymore.
Who is a candidate for the Bellesoma Method?
The Bellesoma Method has been performed on women ranging from ages 17 to 71. The procedure has evolved to accommodate most women who are seeking to improve their appearance, self confidence or relief from pain associated with large breasts. Your medical history would of course need to be reviewed to confirm that there are no contraindications. This would be done during your consultation with your choice of surgeon.
How is the breast surgery industry changing?
While the largest number of breast surgeries are augmentations, according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, approximately 233,000 breast lifts and reductions were performed in the U.S. in 2019. Since 2015, the number of breast lifts & reductions have increased by 30% while breast augmentation has decreased by 11%. We believe that with our improvements in both breast lift & reduction procedures that even more women will benefit because the tradeoffs are much more limited than with older conventional methods.