Breast Lift

Do you miss the way your breasts once looked?
Over time, a woman’s breasts can change and begin to lose their youthful shape and firmness. These changes can result from a number of factors:
• Pregnancy • Breast Feeding • Weight Fluctuation • Aging
If you have considered a breast lift, medically known as mastopexy, but have concerns of excessive visible scarring and the need for breast implants to create a desirable perky shape, you may want to consider Bellesoma™, a much needed breakthrough on the traditional mastopexy procedure.
How is Bellesoma™ different?
- Uses proprietary 3D imaging software to develop a custom surgical plan for each patient
- While there isn’t a scarless breast lift, this approach does not require an unsightly vertical scar – scars can be hidden around the areola and in the crease of the breast
- Uses a woman’s own breast tissue (no implants required) to restore upper pole fullness and create a more youthful appearance
- Uses an internal suspension technique to lift the breasts (similar to a push-up bra)
- Transfers the weight of the breast to the chest muscle, which can provide relief of back, neck, and shoulder pain
How the Bellesoma Technology works

Typical female patient who suffers from ptosis (sagging breasts). Note the conical shape with nipples and areolas pointing downward.

Using the patient’s own breast tissue, new breast mounds are created and positioned high up on the chest wall, which makes achieving the desired youthful appearance possible.

The new breast mounds are then secured to the chest muscle, transferring the weight away from the skin envelope, and ensuring a long lasting result.

The final sutures are put in place around the areola and within the shadow of the breast leaving no ugly vertical scars.

The surgery is successfully completed and results are immediately visible. In time, post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade as the patient fully enjoys the desired outcome.